Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Car

Yes, it has been a while since I've been on here. Moving is so much work, but moving countries really makes moving around in college look easy.

Since I knew I would need a car once I returned to the US (unfortunately that is the case unless you live in the 3-4 cities that have decent public transport), I started looking in the spring. Once I found a newly used car, my parents took it for a test drive. A standard shift Honda Civic was chosen because I wanted to learn how to drive one. It probably wasn't the best time in my life to add another new thing to my list, but I'm always up for an adventure.

An adventure it was...for everyone who rode with me those 1st two weeks home. My 11 year old cousin even commented, "It's like you take your life in your hands when you get in here." It usually went something like this: start the car, put it into 1st gear, focus...focus...slowly lift foot from clutch and other foot on gas...stall out...&^%$. This would happen maybe 4-5 times. Eventually, I would get the right combination and tear out of the parking space with excitement, nervousness and fear in my eyes.

After many frustrating conversations with my parents trying to coach me through it (dad saying, "You're dropping the clutch!" and me snapping back, "I don't know what that means!", my 86-year-old grandpa offered to teach me. I warned him that he might want to reconsider, but he really felt he could teach me. I drove us to an empty parking lot and after an hour, I was able to get into 1st gear more smoothly than any other time.

It took a while to actually enjoy driving the car. Now it is October and I no longer dread a red light or stop sign. It was another one of those learning curves I wasn't prepared to frustrate me as much as it did.

Monday, June 22, 2009

First Week in the States

Well, I've been in Ohio for exactly one week. It is so good to see family and friends, but as many goodbyes that were said and tears that were shed, it doesn't seem like I actually live here now. I'm wondering if it will 'hit' more in August when I would normally hop the 13 hour flight back to Beijing.

Moving back is an odd feeling. I'm excited to be home and enjoy being around people that I rarely get a chance to see. However, a part of me misses my friends, who are like family when you live overseas, and the lifestyle I became accustomed to the last 4 years. Moving from a city of 16 million to Columbus, Ohio will take some patience and a shift in what is 'normal'.

Things that shock me when I returned to The United States:
1. Grocery Stores- they are so freakin' big and have way too many choices
2. Cell Phones- there are so many options and plans. The whole system should be pay as you go- it works for the rest of the world and then you don't have extra charges at the end of the month.
3. Traffic Laws- people here actually follow traffic signals and look before they change lanes
4. Lack of Pollution- I know that if it appears 'foggy' outside in Ohio, it is actually foggy. I can see the houses across the street. I don't have pollution headaches!

Things I already miss about China:
1. Social life- the social life of an expat in Beijing is one of the best. You can always find someone who will share your interests and meet up for a pint or go to a temple.
2. Cheap Massages- after a 13 hour flight, there is nothing better than dropping off the suitcases and heading out for a foot massage at Bodhi. They are only $14 for 80 minutes.

I will try to update this weekly or as things occur to throw me back into culture shock.